Thursday, January 19, 2012


Most of the people believe that they have only one body i.e. , the physical body visible to eye.
The body of jeevatma constitutes of eight elements.

1. Blood        2. Skin            3.Flesh                 4.Brain

5.Bones        6.Marrow         7.Sperm               8.Sudha

The Universal cosmic energy when attracted to jeevatma moulds itself in three different bodies.
1. Casual Body   ( Karana Sareera )              
2. Subtle Body    ( Sookshma Sareera )
3. Visual Body     ( Sthoola Sareera )

Visual Body will get energy from the Subtle Body and Subtle Body gets the energy from the Casual Body and the Casual Body gets energy from the Universal Cosmic Energy.

Visual Body can be seen through naked eye , the Subtle Body or Sookshma Sareera can be seen by deep meditation power and also capture in Kirlian Photography. But it is very difficult to identify the Casual Body ( Karana Sareera ) and the existence of the third substance ( Karana Sareera ) which is interlinked with Universal Cosmic Energy be sensed only with Kriya Yoga Sadhana.

The Sookshma Sareera interpenetrates the Visual Body ( Sthoola Sareera ) and extends beyond it by 4 to 5 inches. The Sookshma Sareera and Sthoola Sareera are so closely related, that if one is affected the other will be automatically affected. Further what ever disease occurs to physical body will first appear in Sookshma Sareera. Medical Sciences entertain treatment for diseases to the physical bodies and the Metaphysicians treat Sookshma Sareera where the root of disease is originated.

There are Seven Major Chakras and Four Minor Chakras located in Sookshma Sareera and with the help of these generators , Prana is drawn, balanced and supplied to the physical body. Moolaadhara, Swadhista and Manipura Chakra are linked with physical development , Visudha , Agna and Sahasra Chakras relates to spiritual development. Anahata Chakra located near heart when enlightened unites the physical and spiritual energies for self realization. Detailed analysis will be taught to the students of Asaya Sidha Sahaja Yoga Marg

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