Thursday, January 19, 2012



What is Superbrain Yoga?
Superbrain yoga is simple physical exercise to energize and recharge the brain. It is based on the principles of subtle energy and ear acupuncture (acupressure). This simple exercise can be done in few minutes every day and is very effective.

Improved academic performance and emotional stability, increased creativity, greater intelligence, Ability to regulate the sex drive especially for the teenagers

Children mentioned:
Greater stamina/energetic
Are able to think
Greater concentration
Improve in their scores
Greater understanding
Children having disabilities such as ADHD/ADD, developmental and cognitive delays, Down syndrome and specific learning disabilities. displayed marked improvements in calmness, focus, ability to register sensory inputs more appropriately, and were able to go through their tasks calmly.
Reduces common mental effects of aging,
Reduces memory loss,
Reduces Psychological stress,
Improved concentration
Clear thinking.

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